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Reference: 1230080
€32.75 VAT not included
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- Anchorage point for 50mm diameter round tube.
- The load capacity that can be requested from the system may not exceed 250 kg of elevated load.
- The fixing system is made by means of M10x25 DIN 933 screws of quality 8,8 blackish colour.
- The fixing system is compatible with:
     - Shackle
     - Wedge tying
     - Carabiner
     - Quick link

- The "article" has to be used by qualified, trained and competent operators.
- The "article" should only be used in accordance with the said instructions.
- Any non-compliant use may give rise to risks of damage to persons and property.
- Before each use, the operator must check that the "article" is in good condition.
- The quality of the screws used for fastening must not be less than 8.8.
- The metric of the screw must not be less than M10x25 DIN 933.

This anchorage element has to be installed with a tightening of the screws appropriate to the diameter and quality of these. screws M10 quality 8,8 DIN 933 tightening torque 50 (Nm).
The article is to be used as directed.
Before using this article make sure that the lifting unit and its support can withstand the full load and that it has successfully passed the maintenance checks.
Use this article only and exclusively for 50mm round pipe mounted in vertical position.

4. USE
4.1 Scope of use
The article is to be used for the fixation of structures, frames and scenographic equipment whose prehensile loading area is formed by a tube with an external diameter of 50mm.

The system of fixing by means of a wedge, carabiner, quick link or tensioner; this "article" can be used as an intermediate anchorage system between a lifting or fastening system made up of steel cable and a structure (frame, truss or scenographic element) formed in its prehensile area by a 50 mm diameter pipe.

The load distribution of the element to be suspended must be considered beforehand in order to ensure that the suspension element does not exceed the maximum authorised load.

4.2 Precautions for use
- Always check the state of conservation of the "article" before use according to the recommendations. In particular, make sure that the screws are in good condition and that there are no knocks or deformations.
- Check that there are no assembly incompatibilities, check the maximum useful loads of all the elements involved.
- The "article" and by extension none of the elements installed must have a lower load capacity than that of the lifting unit (motor).
- Check that the lifting unit and supporting infrastructure can withstand an increased maximum load (weight of equipment + load).
- The lifting of loads is a dangerous operation, the personnel must be competent and trained in this type of operations.
- Never exceed the maximum load.
- Always position yourself in such a way that an unexpected breakage does not cause damage to the operator or his environment.
- Do not add more weight to an already increased load.
- Do not lift a load off the ground abruptly.
- Always ensure that the fastening system (wedge tie, carabiner, quick link or tensioner) used together with the "article" is in perfect working condition.



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